Sunday, September 12, 2010

Gallery 8

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The above picture was taken in the years around where the Roswell UFO crash was reported. Some of the elite people of this world who had intimate knowledge of ufo's carelessly left this picture around and someone passed it around until it got onto this site.

picture  of alien alien picture

Gallery 7

Click on the picture to see it in it's full size to see the details.

alien photograph This is a picture I took in Egypt, notice the heads of the 2 figures in the picture. The abdomens of the 2 people or aliens is also different. It is stuck out a bit, many of the pictures in Egypt portray what I am positive are aliens and many of them have larger stomachs than a normal healthy human would have, they are not a cause of obesity. They also often have larger than normal thighs in association with their bodies, in comparison with normal humans. This picture shows 2 young aliens as their thighs are proportionate. On the next page you will see that they have larger thighs and also longer and more slender fingers. This feature (long fingers) is shown often in Ancient Egypt paintings.

picture of alien This hieroglyph of a head, is clearly not a human head. Why would these ancients portray all kinds of alien heads and bodies all over the place. The only logical reason is that they saw them, they existed. These ancients were not a crazy religious cult as Egyptologists portray them. They were spoken of by Hermes as being the happies and healthiest people in the land. A healthy mind does not go to such mind boggling lengths as these to carve gigantic monuments and carvings in stone with no logical reason. These people were not crazy. They were from another planet.

ufo pictures aliens Here is a picture of a figure with a long neck and strange head. While not resembling some of the other aliens, he does not look entirely human.

ufo pictures aliens space craft Here we see a hieroglyph of a hand which clearly has much longer fingers than a normal hand would have. Why would they go to such trouble to carve this hand. I think it is to say yoooo hoooo look at this hand it is not human. This is who we are!!!! It is like when you are a kid and you go by freshly put cement on the road, you instinctively want to put your hand or footprint in the cement. This is the same, it is a calling card. It is a signature. It is not a symbol representative of something else such as a word, or some other nonsense Egyptologists would have us believe.

alien photographs In this picture we see 2 heads of what are supposedly Egyptian Gods of the Amarna Period. Notice the first face, his eyes are a little larger than our's and his lips are african almost. As many other of the so called Egyptians are not like his. Some of the figures look white or like Americans almost. It just doesn't add up, when you compare the profiles of many of the Egyptians painted and carved on walls and immortalized in statues you notice too many anomolies. Notice also the necks of both individuals. Their necks are long and slender, indicative of an alien race, as our own necks are not like these.

Gallery 6

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This is a historical picture from Persia. The funny thing is that he has wings. I guess this is where we got the concept of angels from. He looks like a pretty sophisticated person for someone from remote history. Also look at his wrists, seems like he is wearing a watch or maybe some alien device. Like the people from Easter Island who were called the Birdmen Tribe, he too can fly. What I am thinking is that aliens learned how to fly or evolved into flying people and here is a picture of what they looked like. Maybe they died out here on Earth or they simply went to some far away galaxy.

Click on the picture to see it in it's full size to see the details.

ancient  aliens egyptThe next picture is an engraving in Ancient Egypt, notice the hats worn by the two adults, could they be covering their large heads and skulls? Notice the 2 babies, one on the left has an elongated skull, so do the 2 on the right. Could all these facts be just coincidences? Of course not? We are not all that gullible to keep accepting all these foolish arguments for all these obvious alien things we see around the world. Egypt, Peru, Mexico, Easter Island, we have been fed a bunch of baloney about the origins of all these incredible works and their builders. We are told in schools that the great pyramid of Egypt took 40 years to build and it's purpose was to bury a pharoah. Come on now, are we that gullible and were the Egyptians that gullible? Of course not, who would spend 40 years of hard labor building a pyramid just to stuff a dead body in it after 40 years of hard work. That hardly sounds logical for such an obviously advanced culture as the Ancient Egyptians. They invented their own language for god sakes, are we to think they were dumb enough to spend 40 years sweating their guts out for only burying 1 body. That is the stupidest thing we have been fed by Egyptologists to date. In Mexico the group of pyramids including the pyramid of the sun are known by people in Mexico by legend as "Place where the gods touch the earth." In all evidence this probably means where the aliens landed. Where they touched the Earth... Think about it, the pyramids are large stone monuments in Mexico with steps going down the sides. What better purpose for the steps than to allow the aliens to climb down the pyramids to the ground. That is the most logical reason for their construction. And to think that primitive people could build something so incredible is well not likely in all logic.

Gallery 5

Click on the picture to see it in it's full size to see the details.

alien  pictures

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The two pictures above are of a small quartzite human effigy from the Missippian period which may have alien influence in its design. Note the eyes and count the fingers, see size of head, etc. This artifact was found in Washington County, Virginia on a big Indian habitation site.

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An artifact supposedly from the Roswell crash, kept secret by Air Force.

Gallery 4

Click on the picture to see it in it's full size to see the details.

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Alien babies aren't always pretty but then again human babies are a bit wrinkled and messy too. This alien baby picture is from the 1950's. Heavens only knows what was thought of the person that took this alien picture way back then but we are glad they were brave enough to pick up their camera and take a picture of the alien baby. We are even more glad that they were brave enough to make sure the picture made it into the public. We don't know what happened to this baby but we do hope it wasn't harmed in anyway but sadly, it probably wasn't treated very nicely.

alien_picture_3.jpg (13987 bytes)This scary looking alien body was found in a cave in Brazil.

dead_alien_picture_6.jpg (26642 bytes)The best thing about this alien picture is that it shows that somebody somewhere was trying to keep this alien alive. That gives us hope that not everyone that comes in contact with a real alien is looking to exploit them for negative reasons. This picture of a dying alien shows the alien in a seriously frail state but fighting to stay alive. We only wish we knew if the alien in this alien picture won its fight for life.

dead_alien_picture_4.jpg (26606 bytes)On the other hand, there will always be those people that are more interested in destroying things they don't understand than in trying to understand them. This alien picture comes from the streets of South America where the locals apparently found an alien body and tore it apart until all the was left was this alien head.

Gallery 3

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Gallery 2

alien  picture Click on this picture to see it bigger. I took this picture in Egypt. Notice the skull of the person or alien. His skull seems unlike a human's. Also notice his hands, his fingers and hands are much longer than a normal human's. Also it looks as if he is talking on the phone, or maybe he is using some alien device. I took many pictures of strange looking creatures in Egypt. To dismiss the oddity of all these pictures is unrealistic.

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Gallery 1

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alien photos from  historyThis picture contains 1 Egyptian with some strange device on his or her head, while his friend has an elongated head and slanted eyes. This photo is not artistic in nature as you can see. Their is nothing very artistic about it, so why give the guy such a large head. Because he had one is the most logical answer. Look at the complex code on the tablet, some primitive people didn't do all that, aliens did.

alienThis is a photo of a skull found in Peru, notice the elongated back of the skull. This is one of the many Deformed skulls photographed in the Museo Regional de Ica.

This is clearly not a human skull, we have been fed a variety of unlogical explanations as to why this skull has this formation. Several like it were found in Peru with small variations. Many artifacts that were clearly of Egyptian origin were also found in Peru dating back to the time of the Ancient Egyptians. However these two cultures and countries were not supposed to have had contact back then being so far from each other. Many odd things are found in Peru, the Nazca lines, a set of animal and geometrical lines engraved onto the ground which extend for miles. Engraving these lines would require a view from above to do them correctly, yet they were not supposed to have aircraft back then. So how did they do it?? This skull gives us a good idea. If they had brains big enough to fit into these skulls they could obviously find ways to fly in aircraft or spacecraft no doubt.

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Alien Picture Page

Click on the picture to see it in it's full size to see the details.

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This skull which is clearly not human was found at a yard sale in Canada.

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Here are 2 pictures of the movie Alien Vs Predator, I found it worthwhile to add them to this alien picture page because so many people search for Alien Vs Predator pictures online.

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